Monday, September 29, 2014


When I was in my first year in College, my Professor gave us a project about some questions we usually asked in our elementary, high school, and college days. We just have to enumerate the questions and we are also the one who should search for the answers. Well, I just want to share it with you guys with the short answers I gathered in my research. That is the reason why I entitled this blog as PERPLEX because this things gives confusion in my childhood days until now in my college life. So I'll start with the questions in my elementary days. Followed by high school and college days.

  • Elementary days

  1. Do fairies exist?

    According to my research, fairies were just one of the legendary creature in this world. And I believe that they are purely mythical and fantastical and they are just creations of the imaginations.
  2. Has a mermaid ever been caught?

    Just like fairies, mermaids were one of the mythical being. No one can ever been caught it because you cannot catch something that does not exists.
  3. How does someone attain magic powers?

    I believe that magical powers are not given to anyone. They are something you study very hard to understand and work harder to apply ethically. The study and practice of magic is an on going and very real thing for those who take it seriously. In my experience, magic has and is a lifetime of study and practice.
  4. Is there really a Santa Claus?

    Santa Claus is as real as one wishes him to be. If you believe in Santa Claus then he is real. If you don't, then he isn't real. He is real as long as you want to believe.
  5. Are superheroes real?

    A superhero is a type of stock character, dedicated to protect the public. The one we see in television are just cartoon character and created by imaginations of people. The real superheroes are the one who help us in times of difficulties.

  • High School days
  1. Will I float in the air if I meditate?

     Meditation is just a method of stress and pain reduction. Its not about concentrating to make a person float in the air.
  2. Why do some people snore louder than others?

    The reasons why people snore louder than others can be due to obesity, weight gain, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, medications, and having a cold or flu.
  3. Why female suffer from dysmenorrhea?

    Dysmenorrhea are caused by the uterine contractions that occur in response to prostaglandins and other chemicals. The cramping sensation is intensified when clots or pieces of bloody tissue from the lining of the uterus pass through the cervix, especially if a woman's cervical canal is narrow.
  4. How do I know when I've met my Soulmate?

    You will know your soulmate if there have a instantaneous familiarity, a recognition, and an innate understanding and connection from the beginning that cannot be described logically. You will be psychically attuned to each other, and will feel so alive in each other's presence.
  5. Do fish sleep?

     Yes, fish sleep. But its not sleep as we know it. They don't have eyelids to close, they sometimes do it during the day, they don't show the characteristic brainwave patterns like REM sleep seen in humans, and some, including most sharks have to keep swimming in their sleep.
  • College days
  1. Are Unidentified Flying Objects real?

     UFO's are certainly and indisputably real. If something is seen apparently flying, and it is unidentified, it is at least for the moment an unidentified fying objects.
  2. Do ghosts exist?

    In traditional belief and fiction, a ghost is the soul or spirit of a deceaed person or animal that can apper, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living.
  3. Is there a real devil?

    There is a real devil but they only exist because of the absence of God in the heart of a person.
  4. Do psychologists have a power of looking whats on the mind of a person?

    Many people think that psychology is something magical or mysterious and that somehow, psychologists have a superior or almost superhuman way of looking into the thoughts and feelings of a person. Psychology however, is an ordinary, everyday, hard-working science. Whatever psychologists have learned, they have learned through observation, careful reflection of what they observed and thorough checking of their conclusions with other persons in this and other fields.
  5. When is the end of the world?

    Most scientists believe that the "end time" will finally occur hundreds of billions of years from now with the heat death of the universe. But according to the Bible, no one can tell when the world will end except God. 

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